MÓWIENIE 2 EN [#113]
TASK 1 Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]
- What’s your name?
- Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
- What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?
TASK 2 Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]
The examiner is a clerk at a ticket agency.
You want to buy tickets for a football match.
- Manchester United match; any tickets?
- not sure; tickets – how much?
- any discounts – possible?
- no; become a supporter – how?
The examiner begins by saying:
“Good morning. Can I help you?”
You are a clerk at a ticket agency.
The candidate wants to buy tickets for a football match.
- yes; ask if interested in international or league match
- league match - £ 35; international - £ 55
- a discount for official supporters; ask if a supporter?
- register on-line; then come back to us.
You begin by saying:
“Good morning. Can I help you?”