MÓWIENIE 2 EN [#127]

TASK 1 Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]
  1. What’s your name?
  2. Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
  3. What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?
TASK 2 Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]


The examiner is your friend. You are talking about your friend’s plans to go to Portugal.
  • no problem/ask about details of the trip (when?, who with?, how long?)
  • accommodation booked yet?
  • recommend a hotel – say why you liked it
The examiner begins by saying: “Can I borrow your guidebook of Portugal?”


The candidate is your friend. You are talking about your plans to go to Portugal.
  • respond to candidate’s questions
  • accommodation – not yet/ask for recommendation
  • accommodation – how booked?
  • thank for the information
  • collect guidebook – when?
You begin by saying: “Can I borrow your guidebook of Portugal?”
TASK 3 Questions [ 6-7 minutes ]
  1. Do you often go abroad? Why/why not?
  2. Describe your best/worst trip.
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of tour holidays?