MÓWIENIE 2 EN [#235]
TASK 1 Warm-up questions [ max. 2 minutes ]
- What’s your name?
- Can you spell it? (military or traditional alphabet)
- What’s your job? and/or Where do you live?
TASK 2 Role-play [ max. 4 minutes ]
Examiner is your CO.
He wants to find out about the planned renovations in the office block.
- start – next week, office staff – know
- yes! info – last briefing
- most – ready; others – clean!
- storerooms – ground floor and basement
The examiner begins by saying:
“So, how are the preparations for renovations going?”
You are the candidate’s CO.
You want to find out about the planned renovations in the office block.
- Have they been informed where they are going to work in the meantime?
- Are the temporary offices ready?
- Where are they going to store things unnecessary for work?
- But the ground floor is going to be renovated too. You can’t store things there!
You begin by saying:
“So, how are the preparations for renovations going?”