Usłyszysz 2 nagrania. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź a), b) lub c). Przed każdym nagraniem masz 30 sekund na zapoznanie się z pytaniami.
Nagranie 1
1. As a teenager, Sally Ride was best at ...
2. At Stanford University, Sally got degrees in ...
3. In 1977, for their training programme NASA chose ...
4. In 1983, Sally Ride ...
Nagranie 2
5. At the guest house, the woman offers the man ...
6. The guest house ...
7. To book the room the man needs to ...
Usłyszysz 1 nagranie. W zdaniach poniżej uzupełnij brakujące informacje. Masz 30 sekund na zapoznanie się z zadaniem.
8. The Military World Games take place every ...
9. The first games were organized in (where?) ...
10. The organizers of the Games are called in short ...
11. In the Winter Games there are two kinds of disciplines: military and ...
12. In the 2019 Games the Polish military team did well and came ...
Usłyszysz 2 nagrania. Zdecyduj, czy zdania poniżejsą prawdziwe (P) czy fałszywe (F). Przed każdym nagraniem masz 30 sekund na zapoznanie się z pytaniami.
Nagranie 1
13. Audie Murphy left school because of the war
14. Audie’s sister helped him to join the army
15. Audie was hurt during the war
16. Jesse Hibbs played Audie Murphy in the film about his life
Nagranie 2
17. Daniel took photos on Elephant Mountain
18. Restaurants in Taipei are cheap
19. Daniel communicated in Chinese well
20. When Daniel was in Taiwan, he visited his cousin