Usłyszysz 3 nagrania. Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź a), b) lub c). Przed każdym nagraniem masz 30 sekund na zapoznanie się z pytaniami.
Nagranie 1
1. Tom wants to ask about …
2. Tom and Mary decide to have the party in …
Nagranie 2
3. The soldier still has to prepare …
4. The new task in the exam is shooting …
Nagranie 3
5. The city which the man liked most was …
6. The first time he travelled to the city …
7. The man did not like …
8. The man has visited the city …
Usłyszysz 1 nagranie. W zdaniach poniżej uzupełnij brakujące informacje. Masz 30 sekund na zapoznanie się z zadaniem.
9. The speaker’s neighbour, Matt, lives in (which city?) ...
10. At the university Stella works as a/an ...
11. Matt always goes to watch his son’s ...
12. Stella’s hobby is ...
13. Last Monday, Matt repaired the car in (how long?) ...
Usłyszysz 2 nagrania. Zdecyduj, czy zdania poniżejsą prawdziwe (P) czy fałszywe (F). Przed każdym nagraniem masz 30 sekund na zapoznanie się z pytaniami.
Nagranie 1
14. Some tourists went sightseeing on their own
15. Sam ate a big lunch
16. Sam says that he earns well
17. Sam finished his work at five o’clock
Nagranie 2
18. Two people lost their lives because of a fire in a factory
19. The plane crashed when it was trying to land
20. Mrs Thompson is going to stop working as a teacher now