Poziom 1
Poziom 2
Poziom 3
Poziom 4
Poziom 1
Poziom 2
Poziom 3
Poziom 4
#17 ( EN_L4_010 )
#16 ( EN_L4_008 )
#15 ( EN_L4_011 )
#14 ( EN_L4_006 )
#12 ( EN_L4_004 )
#11 ( EN_L4_003 )
You are going to listen to six news items. Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. You will hear the items once only. I repeat, once only. There will be a pause of 30 seconds before each news item to give you time to read through the questions to that item.
1. The new US-Afghan agreement means that …
a) US special forces will stop operating in Afghanistan
b) US special forces will be able to conduct raids unilaterally
c) Afghan special forces will be deprived of US support
d) Afghan special forces gain more operational significance
2. The latest attacks in Nigeria were significant because …
a) they targeted the main police headquarters
b) they were carried out in numerous locations
c) they were carried out in the country’s capital
d) they aimed at destroying a military installation
3. During the opening procedures of Charles Taylor's trial …
a) the defence contested the conspiracy charges
b) the defence claimed the prosecution was biased
c) the prosecution described conspiracy charges
d) the prosecution showed Taylor's links to Washington
4. The meeting held by the Burmese President symbolizes …
a) the end of regional autonomy claims
b) the beginning of a pluralistic approach
c) the ending of an era of military rule
d) a further entrenching of ethnic divisions
5. The Pakistani Prime Minister is facing charges for …
a) failing to fulfil his duties as Prime Minister of Pakistan
b) falsely accusing the President of involvement in corruption
c) being involved in corruption in a military tender process
d) disqualifying the military from holding public office
6. Jerry Yang, the co-founder of Yahoo, has left the company because …
a) he held secret merger talks with Microsoft
b) his name was associated with failure
c) he made a disastrous investment decision
d) his views were at odds with the new CEO
You are going to hear an interview. Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. You will hear the piece once only. I repeat, once only. There will now be a pause of 1 minute to allow you to look through the questions.
7. Talking about cyber war, James Lewis says that the US Air Force …
a) has been able to determine what it is
b) has put it on a par with electronic warfare
c) has been involved in it for a long time
d) has difficulty in deciding how to conduct it
8. The expert says that an act of war in cyber space …
a) means stealing military information from computers
b) constitutes massive disruption of computer-based systems
c) involves the military use of advanced capabilities
d) equals carrying out any criminal activity on-line
9. Economic espionage is the tactic which …
a) China is involved more in than any other countries
b) the United States has increased its engagement in
c) has gained in importance within the last few years
d) the United States finds no need to use at present
10. According to the expert, NOW cyber terrorism is …
a) a threat but only from big extremist groups
b) an unpredictable threat we should worry about
c) hazardous to any country all over the world
d) beyond the capabilities of extremist groups
You will hear a radio discussion. Listen and complete the notes by writing a few words. You will hear the piece twice. I repeat, twice. There will now be a pause of 30 seconds to allow you to look through the questions.
11. The US had to step up its Predator attacks in Yemen because …
12. According to Brian Fishman, Al-Qaida ability to be a coherent organization has been undermined by …
13. According to Brian Fishman, apart from eliminating western influence Al-Qaida’s ideology prescribes a …
14. David Ignatius says that even though the Arab countries still want to purge western influence, now they apply …
You will hear an expert giving a talk on war machines and their impact on modern warfare. Listen and complete the notes by writing a few words. An example has been done for you. You will hear the piece only once. There will now be a pause of 1 minute for you to look through the questions.
When referring to both technology and war, the speaker says that
DARPA stands for
Defense Advanced Research Project Agency
The recent development in robot technologies has been possible thanks to applying
Initially, US soldiers required land robots for
penetrating dangerous buildings and unexplored caves
The common feature of all modern war machines is that they are
Remotely supervising war machines is often referred to as
‘war from afar’
Time pressure on the battlefield required making robots independent of
The introduction of military robots in combat raises
knotty ethical quandaries
Apart from solving ethical problems, policy makers ought to
Nowadays, not only hardware and software but also warfare
has gone open source
The gaining of access to advanced military technologies by terrorists may result