Poziom 1
Poziom 2
Poziom 3
Poziom 4
Poziom 1
Poziom 2
Poziom 3
Poziom 4
#17 ( EN_L4_010 )
#16 ( EN_L4_008 )
#15 ( EN_L4_011 )
#13 ( EN_L4_005 )
#12 ( EN_L4_004 )
#11 ( EN_L4_003 )
You are going to listen to six news items. Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. You will hear the items once only. I repeat, once only. There will be a pause of 30 seconds before each news item to give you time to read through the questions to that item.
1. Sebastian Usher says that the new conflict with Qatar is the result of …
a) Qatar’s policy threatening the security in the region
b) Qatar’s unwillingness to sign a security agreement
c) Qatar’s open criticism of the GCC members’ policy
d) Qatar’s new position in the Gulf Cooperation Council
2. The newly-signed Ugandan anti-gay law …
a) puts the president’s popularity in jeopardy
b) enjoys considerable support in the country
c) proves effectiveness of the western pressure
d) contains more restrictive rules than planned
3. In the BBC interview, Imran Khan argued that drone strikes …
a) are the cause of Pakistanis’ increasing feeling of threat
b) are a genuine threat to the leaders of Taliban fighters
c) are likely to help speed up the negotiations in Pakistan
d) are the factor aggravating the situation in Pakistan
4. According to the correspondent, Liberman’s return to politics may …
a) result in the formation of a new radical party in Israel
b) necessitate forming a coalition with the Secularist party
c) have negative influence on the party which he belongs to
d) weaken the political position of the present government
5. According to Clive Stafford Smith, the court decision is a move towards …
a) limiting the government’s influence on the information release
b) preventing further protests in the Guantanamo Bay prison
c) closing down the controversial Guantanamo Bay prison
d) improving the government’s control over the prison
6. The news item tells us about …
a) controversies over releasing prisoners guilty of terrorist attacks
b) efforts of Americans to resume the Palestinian prisoners’ release
c) the U.S. failure to arrange the talks about the prisoners’ release
d) the conditions of the prisoners’ release given by the Palestinians
You are going to hear an interview. Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. You will hear the piece once only. I repeat, once only. There will now be a pause of 1 minute to allow you to look through the questions.
7. According to Gen. Dempsey, the infamous incidents in the Armed Forces result from ...
a) current tasks fulfillment becoming the focus of attention
b) the Armed Forces being deficient in control mechanism
c) closing down military colleges due to budget cuts
d) negligence to apply proper recruitment procedures
8. Gen. Dempsey says that the incidents …
a) result from warping military ethics
b) are treated as criminal offences
c) remain internal to the profession
d) have diverse underlying causes
9. The latest motion put forward in the Senate proves that ...
a) military prosecution is considered to be inequitable
b) the military is thought unable to deal with abuse cases
c) a civilian control over military courts is a prerequisite
d) reforms in the Uniform Code have been inefficient
10. When it comes to the discharges from the military, Gen. Dempsey says …
a) psychological treatment for veterans has to be provided
b) dishonorable behavior in the military is inexcusable
c) proper control mechanisms have to be implemented
d) paying veteran benefits has been unjustly stopped
You will hear a radio discussion. Listen and complete the notes by writing a few words. You will hear the piece twice. I repeat, twice. There will now be a pause of 30 seconds to allow you to look through the questions.
11. According to E. Lucas, the factor determining Russia’s greatness is not the nuclear weapons but ...
12. Following I. Brenner, since last year America’s main concern has become …
13. The story about the US ambassador in Moscow proves that Russia and China …
14. As R. Blackwill points out, the recent crisis reveals that prominent leaders do not …
You will hear a presentation made by an expert. Listen and complete the notes by writing a few words. An example has been done for you. You will hear the piece only once. There will now be a pause of 1 minute for you to look through the questions.
According to the speaker, the US was baited by the ISIS into
The speaker says the US should act when it
chooses to
The speaker says that once all counter-ISIS forces start cooperating it
ISIS is more sophisticated
than Al Qaeda
The foes of the ISIS will act against it to
Lesson number 3 is
remember politics
The Iraqi government’s biggest mistake was
The speaker reminds us that the Sunnis are a
minority in Iraq
The speaker says that the weakest link of the US strategy is
In his speech president Obama promised to
degrade the ISIS
Diffusing the sectarian dynamics of the ISIS requires