Poziom 1
Poziom 2
Poziom 3
Poziom 4
Poziom 1
Poziom 2
Poziom 3
Poziom 4
#17 ( EN_L4_010 )
#16 ( EN_L4_008 )
#14 ( EN_L4_006 )
#13 ( EN_L4_005 )
#12 ( EN_L4_004 )
#11 ( EN_L4_003 )
You are going to listen to six news items. Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. You will hear the items once only. I repeat, once only. There will be a pause of 30 seconds before each news item to give you time to read through the questions to that item.
1. Sudan’s former president is to be handed over to the ICC now, because …
a) the government has conceded to the rebel groups' conditions
b) the domestic court has refused to subject the dictator to a trial
c) new evidence of the regime’s war crimes has been disclosed
d) the interim government has yielded to international pressure
2. With regard to the American campaign, Russia’s new method is to …
a) disseminate posts favourable to the Democratic Party’s candidate
b) promote disinformation smearing America’s incumbent president
c) compromise both presidential candidates to perpetuate divisions
d) utilize American citizens to cover up the origins of disinformation
3. According to the study published by King’s College, in both cases …
a) people’s response to warnings was contrary to official expectations
b) people’s well-timed response facilitated the tackling of the crisis
c) people’s vigilance weakened when the restrictions were lightened
d) people’s reaction preceded government-issued recommendations
4. According to the correspondent, China …
a) has modelled its strategy in Taiwan on that used in Hong Kong
b) has failed to transfer the formula used in Hong Kong to Taiwan
c) has adopted a different formula for Taiwan than for Hong Kong
d) has realized the failure of the policy it employed in Hong Kong
5. According to the commentator, the current US administration …
a) has got involved in the Middle East region more than its predecessors
b) has adequately justified its action against a senior Iranian military leader
c) has successfully refocused its priorities from the Middle East to China
d) has made a move that may hasten the US troops' withdrawal from Iraq
6. The Supreme Court has …
a) questioned an individual’s right to bear arms in public places
b) declared private militias as legal under the 2nd Amendment
c) empowered private militias to enforce law in emergencies
d) confirmed a state’s authority to ban private military groups
You are going to hear an interview. Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. You will hear the piece once only. I repeat, once only. There will now be a pause of 1 minute to allow you to look through the questions.
7. Simon Blackburn uses the term ‘a second order interest’ …
a) to discriminate truths from falsehoods
b) to define philosophers' approach to truth
c) to distinguish between particular truths
d) to differentiate various intangible facts
8. When talking about the independence of truth, the expert …
a) defends a recent philosophical notion of multiple truths
b) claims that truth is relative to the given circumstances
c) explains the benefit of viewing truth in a singular sense
d) warns against the propensity to mingle different truths
9. When asked to develop a crucial notion, the expert points to
a) the empirical evidence of truth
b) the transient nature of truth
c) the overriding concept of truth
d) the aesthetic nature of truth
10. According to ‘the correspondence theory’ …
a) truths are counterfactual in nature
b) truths cannot be strictly defined
c) truths have no physical being
d) truths are true if they can be proved
You will hear a radio discussion. Listen and complete the notes by writing a few words. You will hear the piece twice. I repeat, twice. There will now be a pause of 30 seconds to allow you to look through the questions.
11. Tamara Keith claims that during the convention Biden managed to disprove Trump's idea that …
12. During the convention, Biden neither had to improve his lead nor was he expected to ...
13. Analysing Trump's speech, Tamara Keith questions his claim that …
14. According to Amy Walter, the president's next challenge is difficult as he is not inclined to …
The speaker draws a parallel between the debate on the Iran nuclear deal and
The U.S. was the only country not to
welcome the Iran deal
As well as isolating America, the U.S. withdrawal from the deal may result in further
Iran's arsenal differs from that of the Gulf States in both its
The biggest risk of spreading terrorism among Islamic states comes from Saudi Arabia
Iran's religious leaders oppose the leaking of nuclear weapons as they realise that as a result
Pakistani efforts to improve the security of its nuclear facilities might be futile mainly because
The US perceives Iran's actions as
destabilizing the region
American interventionist policy in the Middle East derives from